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Verso (2nd wine of Haut Batailley)

ColourRegionVintageWineQtySizeUnitsPrice DP GBPPerScore
Bordeaux2019Verso (2nd wine of Haut Batailley)33 \ 0 12×75cl10247.171291 NMVerso (2nd wine of Haut Batailley)
Bordeaux2019Verso (2nd wine of Haut Batailley) New8 \ 06×1.5L10267.17691 NMVerso (2nd wine of Haut Batailley)
Bordeaux2022Verso (2nd wine of Haut Batailley)5 \ 612×75cl10252.171291/92 JSVerso (2nd wine of Haut Batailley)
Wines are offered subject to remaining unsold. E&OE.
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