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Echézeaux, Domaine Georges Noellat

ColourRegionVintageWineQtySizeUnitsPrice IB EURPerScore
Burgundy2012Echézeaux, Domaine Georges Noellat1 \ 06×75cl101,890.00690/93 AMEchezeaux, Noellat, Georges
Burgundy2012Echézeaux, Domaine Georges Noellat21×3L101,440.00190/93 AMEchezeaux, Noellat, Georges
Burgundy2013Echézeaux, Domaine Georges Noellat1 \ 012×75cl103,840.001291/94 AMEchezeaux, Noellat, Georges
Burgundy2014Echézeaux, Domaine Georges Noellat1 \ 012×75cl104,200.001290/93 AMEchezeaux, Noellat, Georges
Burgundy2015Echézeaux, Domaine Georges Noellat

12 Bottle Original Carton

0 \ 612×75cl105,040.0012 Echezeaux, Noellat, Georges
Wines are offered subject to remaining unsold. E&OE.
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