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Tertre Rôteboeuf

ColourRegionVintageWineQtySizeUnitsPrice IB EURPerScore
Bordeaux2009Tertre Rôteboeuf1 \ 012×75cl102,601.501296 RPTertre Roteboeuf
Bordeaux2010Tertre Rôteboeuf1 \ 06×75cl101,149.506100 WKTertre Roteboeuf
Bordeaux2010Tertre Rôteboeuf1 \ 03×1.5L101,185.803100 WKTertre Roteboeuf
Bordeaux2012Tertre Rôteboeuf1 \ 012×75cl101,512.501295+ AGTertre Roteboeuf
Bordeaux2015Tertre Rôteboeuf0 \ 612×75cl102,117.501295+ NMTertre Roteboeuf
Bordeaux2018Tertre Rôteboeuf0 \ 612×75cl101,452.001295 NMTertre Roteboeuf
Bordeaux2019Tertre Rôteboeuf3 \ 012×75cl101,790.801297 WKTertre Roteboeuf
Wines are offered subject to remaining unsold. E&OE.
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