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Domaine Follin-Arbelet

ColourRegionVintageWineQtySizeUnitsPrice DP+VAT GBPPerScore
Burgundy2006Romanée Saint Vivant, Domaine Follin-Arbelet1 \ 06×1.5L103,584.606 Romanee St Vivant, Follin Arbelet
Burgundy2008Romanée Saint Vivant, Domaine Follin-Arbelet1 \ 012×75cl104,364.601293 AMRomanee St Vivant, Follin Arbelet
Burgundy2011Corton Rouge, Domaine Follin-Arbelet1 \ 06×75cl10532.306 Corton Rouge, Follin Arbelet
Burgundy2019Aloxe Corton Clos du Chapitre, Domaine Follin-Arbelet10 \ 0 6×75cl10199.30689/91 AMAloxe Corton Clos du Chapitre, Follin Arbelet
Wines are offered subject to remaining unsold. E&OE.
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