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Bernard Moreau

ColourRegionVintageWineQtySizeUnitsPrice IB HKDPerScore
Burgundy2020Volnay Santenots, Bernard Moreau1 \ 06×75cl102,450.25689/91 JMVolnay Santenots, Moreau, Bernard
Burgundy2020Chassagne Montrachet Morgeots, Bernard Moreau1 \ 06×75cl306,435.00694+ JGChassagne Morgeots, Moreau, Bernard
Burgundy2020Saint Aubin Remilly, Bernard Moreau1 \ 06×75cl303,712.50690/92 NMSaint Aubin Remilly, Moreau, Bernard
Wines are offered subject to remaining unsold. E&OE.
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