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ColourRegionVintageWineQtySizeUnitsPrice IB HKDPerScore
Champagne1982Salon Le Mesnil

Not in original carton

0 \ 112×75cl3016,833.33
1 Salon Le Mesnil
Champagne2002Salon Le Mesnil4 \ 06×75cl3045,450.00696+ AGSalon Le Mesnil
Champagne2004Salon Le Mesnil1 \ 06×75cl3043,935.00697+ AGSalon Le Mesnil
Champagne2006Salon Le Mesnil1 \ 06×75cl3044,440.00697 AGSalon Le Mesnil
Champagne2007Salon Le Mesnil1 \ 06×75cl3040,147.50696 AGSalon Le Mesnil
Wines are offered subject to remaining unsold. E&OE.
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