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Cecile Tremblay

ColourRegionVintageWineQtySizeUnitsPrice IB HKDPerScore
Burgundy2014Vosne Romanée Les Beauxmonts, Cecile Tremblay1 \ 06×75cl1032,500.00691/93 AMVosne Beauxmonts, Tremblay, Cecile
Burgundy2018Chambolle Musigny Feusselottes, Cecile Tremblay New

Not in original carton

0 \ 312×75cl105,750.00
193/95 WKChambolle Feusselottes, Tremblay, Cecile
Burgundy2018Chapelle Chambertin, Cecile Tremblay1 \ 06×75cl1075,000.00695 WKChapelle Chambertin, Tremblay, Cecile
Wines are offered subject to remaining unsold. E&OE.
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