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Chablis Bougros

ColourRegionVintageWineQtySizeUnitsPrice IB HKDPerScore
Burgundy2019Chablis Bougros, Domaine William Fèvre4 \ 06×75cl302,979.50693+ WKChablis Bougros, Fevre
Burgundy2020Chablis Bougros, Domaine William Fèvre10 \ 0 6×75cl303,131.00694 WKChablis Bougros, Fevre
Burgundy2020Chablis Bougros, Patrick Piuze1 \ 012×75cl306,666.001292/94 NMChablis Bougros, Piuze
Burgundy2021Chablis Bougros, Domaine William Fèvre6 \ 012×75cl306,565.001295 JGChablis Bougros, Fevre
Burgundy2022Chablis Bougros, Domaine William Fèvre3 \ 612×75cl307,575.001292/95 JMChablis Bougros, Fevre
Burgundy2023Chablis Bougros, Domaine William Fèvre5 \ 612×75cl308,080.001291/93 AMChablis Bougros, Fevre
Wines are offered subject to remaining unsold. E&OE.
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