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Gevrey Chambertin Champeaux

ColourRegionVintageWineQtySizeUnitsPrice IB USDPerScore
Burgundy2014Gevrey Chambertin Champeaux, Domaine Fourrier11×3L10845.00189/92 AMGevrey Champeaux, Fourrier
Burgundy2021Gevrey Chambertin Champeaux, Domaine Tawse New1 \ 06×75cl10468.006 Gevrey Champeaux, Tawse
Burgundy2023Gevrey Chambertin Champeaux, Pascale Marchand / Marchand-Tawse2 \ 06×75cl10663.006 Gevrey Champeaux, Marchand-Tawse
Wines are offered subject to remaining unsold. E&OE.
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