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Search: castro ventosa

ColourRegionVintageWineQtySizeUnitsPrice DP GBPPerScore
Spain2018Ultreia El Rapolao, Bodegas Castro Ventosa6 \ 06×75cl10198.58696+ LGUltreia Rapolao, Castro Ventosa
Spain2018Valtuille Cepas Centenarias, Bodegas Castro Ventosa6 \ 06×75cl10228.58697+ LGValtuille Cepas Centenarias, Castro Ventosa
Spain2020Valtuille Godello, Bodegas Castro Ventosa1 \ 06×75cl30218.58694 LGValtuille Godello, Castro Ventosa
Wines are offered subject to remaining unsold. E&OE.
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