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Barolo Bussia Dardi Le Rose, Poderi Colla 2017

Subregion Italy > Piedmont > Barolo
Grape VarietyNebbiolo

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ColourRegionVintageWineQtySizeUnitsPrice IB GBPPerScore
Italy2017Barolo Bussia Dardi Le Rose, Poderi Colla0 \ 612×75cl10280.001294+ AGBarolo Bussia Dardi Le Rose, Colla
Wines are offered subject to remaining unsold. E&OE.

Tasting Notes

The 2017 Barolo Bussia Dardi Le Rose is superb. Classy and poised, the 2017 captures all the personality of Bussia. The Colla Barolos typically need a few years to shine. I imagine that will be the case here as well. As attractive as the 2017 is today, the best is yet to come. Crushed flowers, spice, sweet pipe tobacco and incense lend considerable nuance to a core of sweet Nebbiolo fruit. What a pretty wine this is. Drink between 2024-2037

Antonio Galloni, vinous.com, October 2021
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