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Barolo Cannubi Boschis, Luciano Sandrone 2010

Subregion Italy > Piedmont > Barolo
Grape VarietyNebbiolo

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ColourRegionVintageWineQtySizeUnitsPrice IB GBPPerScore
Italy2010Barolo Cannubi Boschis, Luciano Sandrone1 \ 06×75cl10850.00697+ AGBarolo Cannubi Boschis, Sandrone, Luciano
Italy2010Barolo Cannubi Boschis, Luciano Sandrone New1 \ 03×1.5L10850.00397+ AGBarolo Cannubi Boschis, Sandrone, Luciano
Wines are offered subject to remaining unsold. E&OE.

Tasting Notes

Tar, smoke, licorice, incense, blood orange and sweet spices are some of the many notes that emerge from the 2010 Barolo Cannubi Boschis. Today the 2010 is firing on all cylinders. The flavors are broad, rich and ample, with fabulous delineation, energy and class. A creamy, resonant finish laced with exotic floral and citrus notes only adds intrigue in this drop-dead gorgeous Barolo

Antonio Galloni, vinous.com, January 2014
Please note that these tasting notes/scores are not intended to be exhaustive and in some cases they may not be the most recently published figures. However, we always do our best to add latest scores and reviews when these come to our attention. We advise customers who wish to purchase wines based simply on critical reviews to carry out further research into the latest reports.