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Langham Rose Non Vintage

Subregion England

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ColourRegionVintageWineQtySizeUnitsPrice IB GBPPerScore
EnglandN.V.Langham Rose5 \ 012×75cl20320.0012 Langham Rose
Wines are offered subject to remaining unsold. E&OE.

Tasting Notes

Based on 2019, with 7% red wine. Dorset fruit. Spontaneous fermentation. Golden, pale pink, fragrant, and just damn delicious. Spicy, red apples, rose hips. Beautiful, beautiful, rosy-cheeked, shiny apple fruit that just takes me to the heart of an orchard in autumn. This is superb. Fresh luminous-green tilleul grace notes dancing through the finish. Bravo Langham! Drink 2024-2028.

Tamlyn Currin, JancisRobinson.com, April 2024
Please note that these tasting notes/scores are not intended to be exhaustive and in some cases they may not be the most recently published figures. However, we always do our best to add latest scores and reviews when these come to our attention. We advise customers who wish to purchase wines based simply on critical reviews to carry out further research into the latest reports.