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Chablis Cote de Lechet, Daniel Dampt et Fils 2022

Subregion France > Burgundy > Chablis
Grape VarietyChardonnay

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ColourRegionVintageWineQtySizeUnitsPrice IB GBPPerScore
Burgundy2022Chablis Cote de Lechet, Daniel Dampt et Fils1 \ 012×75cl30275.001289/92 AMChablis Cote de Lechet, Dampt, Daniel
Wines are offered subject to remaining unsold. E&OE.

Tasting Notes

Ripe, fresh and attractively layered aromas include those of citrus confit, white peach, iodine and a hint of mineral reduction. There is both fine volume and punch to the fleshy and caressing flavors that exude an appealing stony quality on the sneaky long and very dry bitter lemon-inflected finale. Drink: 2026+

Allen Meadows, Burghound.com (92), August 2023
Please note that these tasting notes/scores are not intended to be exhaustive and in some cases they may not be the most recently published figures. However, we always do our best to add latest scores and reviews when these come to our attention. We advise customers who wish to purchase wines based simply on critical reviews to carry out further research into the latest reports.