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Macharnudo San Cayetano, De La Riva 2023

Subregion Spain > Sherry

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Tasting Notes

The unfortified white 2023 Macharnudo San Cayetano comes from a very old plot of Palomino in Pago Macharnudo, San Cayetano, where the natural concentration is even higher. San Cayetano has different exposures, and this is selected from the north-facing side, which gives more freshness and elegance to the wines. It's intense, powerful and elegant, still very young but with a lot of nuances, with more character and without the baby fat. This is a wine they sell through La Place de Bordeaux. This has only around 15% of wine with flor; with time it develops notes of licorice and spices, even hints of esparto grass. Tasty and fresh. There's a lot of finesse here; it's different from the 2022 but at the same quality level (or higher!). It has only 13.5% alcohol. 6,000 bottles produced.

Luis Gutierrez, RobertParker.com, October 2024
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