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Latour have made some magnificent wines in their history, but rarely if ever have we seen a release with three such high-performing vintages. This year sees the 100-point 2016 Grand Vin released with the superb 2019 Forts de Latour and impressive 2020 Pauillac de Latour.

2016 Château Latour is a monument of modern Bordeaux. Writers to give this wine 100 points include Neal Martin, James Suckling, Lisa Perrotti-Brown MW and Antonio Galloni. Neal Martin writes: "Is it a perfect Latour like the best bottles of the 1928, 1961, 1982, 2000 and 2010? I think it might be." Now nine years old, its best years lie far in the future and this is a wine that will outlive most people alive today. It is the very pinnacle of Cabernet Sauvignon from the Médoc. 

2019 Forts de Latour comes from a vintage that offers real pleasure from top to bottom, and this second label rivals and often beats second growths in quality and longevity. As William Kelley writes in his 94+ point review: "While it's approachable after a decant, it certainly merits additional patience." This is a powerhouse that will really hit its stride from a decade on. At £790 per case of six, this is the lowest price release of Les Forts since the 2014 vintage

2020 Pauillac de Latour gives real insight into the property's muscular nature at a fraction of the price of the Grand Vin. This athletic, driven Pauillac is just about approachable now with a decant and will be great with food. Give it time and it will continue to grow in bottle. 94 points from Antonio Galloni: "What a gorgeous, gorgeous wine this is." At £320 per case of six, this is a bargain entry into the world of this great château. 

Pauillac de Latour is immediately available for delivery.
Forts de Latour and Latour will be available for delivery in June 2025.

ColourRegionVintageWineQtySizeUnitsPrice IB GBPPerScore
Bordeaux2016LatourSold Out12×37.5cl10100 NMLatour
Bordeaux2016Latour2 \ 06×75cl103,200.006100 NMLatour

Ex Chateau

Sold Out6×75cl10100 NMLatour
Bordeaux2016LatourSold Out3×75cl10100 NMLatour
Bordeaux2016LatourSold Out3×1.5L10100 NMLatour
Bordeaux2016LatourSold Out1×1.5L10100 NMLatour
Bordeaux2016LatourSold Out1×3L10100 NMLatour
Bordeaux2016LatourSold Out1×6L10100 NMLatour
Bordeaux2019Les Forts de Latour2 \ 012×37.5cl10820.001295 AGForts de Latour
Bordeaux2019Les Forts de Latour14 \ 0 6×75cl10790.00695 AGForts de Latour
Bordeaux2019Les Forts de Latour7 \ 03×75cl10395.00395 AGForts de Latour
Bordeaux2019Les Forts de Latour3 \ 03×1.5L10800.00395 AGForts de Latour
Bordeaux2020Pauillac de LatourSold Out12×37.5cl1094 JSPauillac de Latour
Bordeaux2020Pauillac de Latour100 \ 0  6×75cl10320.00694 JSPauillac de Latour
Bordeaux2020Pauillac de Latour3 \ 03×1.5L10330.00394 JSPauillac de Latour
Bordeaux2020Pauillac de LatourSold Out1×3L1094 JSPauillac de Latour
Bordeaux2020Pauillac de LatourSold Out1×6L1094 JSPauillac de Latour
Wines are offered subject to remaining unsold. E&OE.