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Brunello di Montalcino, Cerbaiona (Molinari) 2013

Subregion Italy > Tuscany > Brunello di Montalcino
Grape VarietySangiovese

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Tasting Notes

Cask sample 1: Lustrous mid ruby with orange tinges. Still a little progress, but finer on the nose than the 2012. Subtle cherry and a hint of tea leaves. Proper Burgundian in style, think Marroneto but with added ripeness. Spectacular balance and ends on austere tannins. This just needs more time but is already exciting.
Cask sample 2: A shade deeper. More slumbering and with a little more concentration on the nose than cask sample 1. Intense, ripe raspberry and oatmeal notes. Juicy and almost a little racy, and with firmer tannins than sample 1, and a touch bitter at this stage. Shares breed and elegance with no 1, even if the tannins are more upfront. Yet the length and elegance are impressive.

Walter Speller, JancisRobinson.com, March 2016
Please note that these tasting notes/scores are not intended to be exhaustive and in some cases they may not be the most recently published figures. However, we always do our best to add latest scores and reviews when these come to our attention. We advise customers who wish to purchase wines based simply on critical reviews to carry out further research into the latest reports.