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Meursault Perrieres, Albert Grivault 2022

Subregion France > Burgundy > Côte de Beaune > Meursault
Grape VarietyChardonnay

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Tasting Notes

Grivault's 1.55 hectares of Perrières comes from two parcels next to their monopole Clos des Perrières; there is perhaps just a touch more richness in the wines from the Clos, but this is done in a similar style, which in 2022 produced ripe notes of apricot, apple and quince, with notes of heady white flowers and a bit of reduction. The texture is slightly less dense, but the balance and equilibrium are on par. The winemaking is identical: whole cluster pressed, fermentation in primarily used casks, no sulfur until after malo, and no batonnage — the formula produced a marvellous result.

Charles Curtis MW, Decanter.com, May 2023
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