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What's New

These wines have recently become available for sale but some may not yet have arrived in our warehouse - please check availabilty dates with our sales team if you need the wine in a hurry. Any wine added to our list appears here and this has therefore become the go-to page for many of our customers. Bookmark this page to make sure you keep abreast of any new additions.

The list is ordered by newest to oldest and by default includes all wines that have been added in the last seven days. Use the filters just below to change these settings.

To receive our daily New Listings emails please let us know.

These wines have recently become available for sale but some may not yet have arrived in our warehouse - please check availabilty dates with our sales team if you need the wine in a hurry. Any wine added to our list appears here and this has therefore become the go-to page for many of our customers. Bookmark this page to make sure you keep abreast of any new additions.

The list is ordered by newest to oldest and by default includes all wines that have been added in the last seven days. Use the filters just below to change these settings.

To receive our daily New Listings emails please let us know.

ColourRegionVintageWineSizeQtyUnitsPrice IB GBPPerScore
Loire2020Pouilly Fumé Silex, Domaine Didier DagueneauBT0 \ 330125.00bt93/94 RGPouilly Fume Silex, Dagueneau
Loire2018Pouilly Fume Buisson Renard, Domaine Didier DagueneauBT2 \ 030960.001293 RGPouilly Fume Buisson Renard, Dagueneau
Loire2022Chinon Rouge Vieilles Vignes, Alliet, PhilippeBT3 \ 010225.001293 YCChinon VV, Alliet, Philippe
Wines are offered subject to remaining unsold. E&OE.
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 wines