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Amontillado San Roberto Bota Unica 1, Bodegas Barbadillo Non Vintage

Subregion Spain > Sherry
Grape VarietyPalomino

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Tasting Notes

There were only two butts of a very old Amontillado from the S. Roberto winery in Sanlúcar, and the wines were so different they decided to bottle them separately. The NV Amontillado S. Roberto Bota Única 1/2 is a wine of incredible finesse and balance, elegant and surprisingly light for such an old wine. It is less concentrated than the other barrel (2/2) and has a lot more elegance. It's unusual to find such old wines with this balance, as extreme evaporation often means unbalance, but there's none of that in this wine that has clarity, purity and finesse to make it dangerously easy to drink. There are only 1,300 half bottles of this magnificent wine. The butts were large, not the same size and with different evaporation, or ullage.

Luis Gutierrez, RobertParker.com, September 2022
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